10 January 2011

Back to the Future...

Afternoon all, 

Apologies for the lateness in updating this blog, but as I've been travelling over the past few days I haven't had time or even an internet connection to update this.

Marty Mcfly was always told by Doc Brown to be careful not to alter the events of the past otherwise it will cause a shift in the dynamics of the space-time continuum. Seeing as no one here has mastered the art of time travel - it's not something we need to be too fretful of. Many people are talking about what 2011 will hold for us.  I guess it's a lot like asking what the future will hold.  It's impossible to predict but we can influence the future by our actions today. 

I've realised that Preservation Plus isn't just about bringing holy artefacts and relics under one roof.  It's about preserving Swaminarayan Bhagwan’s values not just for a 100 years but for a 1000 years and longer. The word legacy springs to mind here.  If you look at all the wonders of the world, the various exhibitions in history museums, the library of literature available to us - it all contributes to a legacy for the future.

From the onset the Swaminarayan Sampraday has always been looking to the future. Swaminarayan Bhagwan Himself established a system for the future. He constructed Mandirs (temples) in various locations - still running today, wrote the Shikshapatri - which is still applicable today and installed the Acharyas - still conducting their duties today.  Swaminarayan Bhagwan laid down a marker, a milestone for our religion to ensure it won't be forgotten.  His Holiness mota Baapji, envisioned the very same thing when he dreamt of establishing this museum.  

Preservation Plus has just highlighted that His Holiness Shree Tejendraprasadji Maharaj and His Holiness Shree Koshalendraprasadji Maharaj continue to look to the future just like Almighty Supreme Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan did. A unique attribute which can not be found anywhere in the world.

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